Without You Top20
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- 23.06.2013
Das Album ist ab sofort digital und auf CD erhältlich. 2LP Vinyl kommt im Juli.
Label: Ill Adrenaline Records / Vinyl Vertrieb: Fat Beats
"Dope Lyrics! Dope beat! Like the piano keys...They know how to do! big up"
- DJ Kefian aka Chefkoch - Freiburg - Eardrum / Radio Dreyckland
"Love the boom bap feel of “Without you”. I’ve always been a fan of Tragedy Khadafi. He’s probably one of the most underrated MCs. I will give this a spin in my radioshow."
- DJ Ron - Chemnitz - Phlatline / UptownsFinest / BMRadio
"Love this joint. When it comes from ill adrenaline you know it's dope. Quality music"
- DJ SoulClap - Braunschweig - Underground Superstars
"I really like it! Thick solid beat and lyrics! I will definitely pump in my radio show!"
- DJ Gramoe - Coburg - Radio Galaxy RN'Beatz
"Ill Adrenaline Records hits us again with some authentic Boom Bap Hip Hop. We will stay here forever and ever!"
- DJ 12Finger Dan - Hamburg - BACKSPIN FM / BMRadio
"If the album is as good as the single, it might be one of the must haves this year."
- DJ Thorsten Williamson Fuchs -
"Playing on both shows…Halftime & Sirius/XM."
- DJ Eclipse - WNYU/Sirius/XM - New York, NY (New York University/Satellite Station)
"Got a good bounce to it.. Good content.. Should get spins... Needs a fast follow up though. Or push a video hard."
- DJ Mafioso - club/mixtape - Atlanta, GA
"Like the boom bap type of beat plus the soulful sample, nice combination. Will definitely be within my crates for the next couple of DJ gigs, no doubt."
- DJ Marious - AFDC Radio - Bonn, Germany
"Great! I'll take it to my next podcast! The Anointed is my fav!"
- DJ Some 1 - Leipzig - Nachtcafe & 2BE Club
"Super dope. This debuted last night with more spins to come."
- DJ Jason D - KRBX - Boise, ID (Community Station)
"7G.E.M.S. aka Tragic Allies & Tragedy Khadafi bringen mit Golden Era Music Sciences ein sehr hörenswertes Album raus.
Schön arrangierte Beats, die nahtlos an lang vergessene BoomBap Zeiten anknüpfen“
- DJ Lenzageddon - Stuttgart - F*** TV LISTEN TO ME / BMRadio
"This joint is GREAT. Good to hear Tragedy back on some shit! Definitely been had this in rotation along with the Marco Polo and BDK joint! Thanks!"
- Los -WRFL - Lexington, KY (U. of Kentucky)
"I needed this. And I'm sure that there are a number of people that listen to my show who need this, too."
- Jason - - Podcast DJ
"Diggin' this one too! Production is solid and the MCs are sharp lyrically."
- DJ Fudge - WREK - Atlanta, GA (Georgia Tech U.)
"A solid track from the crew."
- Nesto - WODU - Norfolk, VA (Old Dominion U.)
"Yeh yeh decent tune! Khadafi = Dope!"
- DJ Seryus - RamJam Radio - London
"On the Ill Street Grooves PLAYLIST!"
- DJ RBI - WPFW - Washington, DC (Community Station)
“You guys always got the freshest joints. Diggin’ this!”
- WMNF – DJ Blenda – Tampa, FL (Community Station)
“Thank you for this. Im gonna add this to my chart for WMBR’s playlist this week.”
- WMBR – Dana – Cambridge, MA (Massachusets Institute of Technology)
“Dope production and vocals from all... Look forward to listening to the full length and spinning this A LOT!”
- CKCU – DJ Ducats – Ottawa, ON (Community Radio)
“Down wit this shit, dope beat, nice concept, we need more of this!!!!”
- WNUR – DJ Deluge – Chicago, IL (Northwestern University)
"Nice One, i like, goes straight into the crates."
- DJ P-Rox - Bonn - Out4Fame DJ Team / BMRadio
"Reminds me of the Golden Era, great Lyrics, not about Money, Molly and Bitches. 100% support."
- DJ Trigger Finger - Rosenheim - Trigger Time / BMRadio
"Dope Lyrics! Dope beat! Like the piano keys. Super dope"
- DJ Homer Libre - Saarbrücken - Kulturfabrik
“I like this one!”
- International – DJ 279 – London, England
“On the playlist!”
- WESU – DJ Lokash – Middletown, CT (Wesleyan U.)
“Very dope track! This kid is killing ‘em softly! I’m gonna be playing it today on my radio show!”
- WRIR – Christian – Richmond, VA (Community Station)
"Great sound, played in the clubs, crowd immediately gave positive feedback!"
- DJ Boombastic - Reutlingen / Atrium
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