Hot Boys bald wiedervereint ?
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- 03.10.2007
Lil’Wayne ließ bei einem seiner Konzerte die Gerüchtemaschinerie anlaufen, als er von einer möglichen Wiedervereinigung der Hot Boys sprach:
"I talked to them the other day and they told me to tell y'all something...We back! So whoever started liking this group... or that group. Nope. We back. And the members are of course me, a guy I know named Juvenile, and another guy I know named B.G. and my best friend Turk", so Weezey.
Damals veröffentlichten sie gemeinsam drei Alben und schafften es mit ihrem zweiten Album "Guerilla Warfare" mehrmals Platin abzuräumen. Also wieso sollte man nicht an diese Zeiten wieder anknüpfen können?
Dies bestätigte nun auch der momentan inhaftierte Turk offiziell:
"I have been dreaming of this day for sometime now. From as early as time since I was initially locked up, I have felt like somehow someway I was going to make this happen and I would be rejoining my brothers again. As far as the Hot Boys being broken up for a minute, it was nothing more than a family fallout. Lil' Wayne, B.G. and Juve are my brothers for real. Everything is back to the way things should be right now and that I look forward to joining the group and being heavily involved in the forthcoming Hot Boys reunion project. Expect this album to go down as a classic in hip-hop history."
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