Curtis Jackson (50 Cent) feat. Michael Jackson?
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- 29.03.2006
"I saw Michael Jackson sitting by the pool sippin' lemonade. They didn't tell me he was going to be there - I didn't even expect Michael to be in the country. So I'm like, 'F**king Michael Jackson is here.
He was supposed to be there for like 45 minutes; he stayed for five hours. We was talking about Eminem. He was like, 'Is Eminem really retired?' I forgot that Eminem totally cremated him in one video (Lose It), but Michael didn't even bring it up. Then he started talking about 50.", so Whoo Kid in einem Interview.
DJ Whoo Kid will ihm nun dabei zur Seite stehen und hat schon bereits ein Telefonat zwischen Michael und "50" organisiert. Ob daraus letztendlich eine Zusammenarbeit entsteht, bleibt noch vorerst offen. Doch gut möglich ist es!
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